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Shopify Custom Coupon Codes

Generate Shopify coupon codes from Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) and dynamically assign unique coupon codes to customers.

This integration allows you to import your coupon codes from Shopify to use in ODP. You can use different coupon codes for various campaigns, segments, and can even assign a unique code based on a customer attribute (e.g., assign coupon codes exclusively to your repeat customers).

Values & Benefits

  • Track which coupon codes were assigned to your customers.
  • Re-use the same coupon code in reminder or follow-up touchpoints.
  • Give your Support Team insights into which coupon codes were given to customers.
  • Give unique codes a static prefix and/or suffix.


  • To take advantage of the integration, you must have permission to manage private apps in your Shopify account. (Check for the Manage private apps link at the bottom of the Apps page in Shopify.)
  • You must generate coupon codes prior to launching your campaign.

How it Works

  • Configure Shopify Discount Codes
    1. Step 1: Create new custom app in Shopify
    2. Step 2: Install Shopify Discounts app in ODP
  • Generate Coupons
    • Generating your first Coupons
    • Using your first Coupons in a Campaign
    • Rendering a Coupon multiple times in a single Email
    • Non-email Channels
  • Managing your Coupon Rules

To learn more, please click here


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Request this integration

Send us a request and the app publisher will get in contact with you directly.

Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Notice. You can opt out at any time.

Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Notice. You can opt out at any time.