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Google Audience Sync

Sync segments created in Data Platform to Google's ad platform where you can target customers directly or build look-a-like models.

Google Audience Sync

The Google Audience Sync integration allows you to automatically synchronize a segment into Google’s Ads platform. If your customers have an email associated with them, they will be eligible for this integration. Currently, this integration allows you to target your segments on Search, Youtube, and Gmail paid advertising.

Use of this App is subject to Optimizely's Terms of Service

For more information, please see our documentation.


  1. Authorize your google account by clicking the “Sign in with Google” button: Setup

  2. Once authorized, paste your google add account ID in the ‘Ad Account ID’ field and click ‘Verify’. Setup

  3. To sync any segment navigate to CUSTOMERS → SEGMENTS → click on the desired segment → Click the Google toggle so it is set to ON: Setup

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