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Qualaroo gives marketers a complete solution for collecting and acting on visitor insights to improve website performance.

Enable personalized user experiences by using Qualaroo survey feedback to associate website visitors with Optimizely Web Experimentation Audience segments. Show visitors relevant messages, content and experiences based on answers they've given to Qualaroo surveys on previous site visits.

  • Tailor your web experiences to unique insights dervied from on-site surveys delivered via Qualaroo
  • Fill in gaps in your understanding of your visitors' needs and use that information to power targeted web experiences
  • Understand the "why" behind your visitors' behavior to inform future product development and experiment ideas

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Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in ourĀ Privacy Notice. You can opt out at any time.

Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in ourĀ Privacy Notice. You can opt out at any time.