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Epinova Content Migration Service

A streamlined solution for migrating content to Optimizely, minimizing risks and ensuring a smooth transition.

Epinova Content Migration Service, powered by the Epinova Content Migration Engine, is designed to mitigate common risks associated with content migration, such as time-consuming processes, delayed project launches, budget overruns, and potential negative impacts on SEO visibility. With our engine and service, content is efficiently migrated from a wide range of CMS platforms into Optimizely, minimizing manual intervention and ensuring a smooth, reliable transition for your structure and content.

Supported source platforms

  • Acquia
  • Contentful
  • Drupal
  • Kentico
  • Optimizely 9, 10, 11
  • Sanity
  • Sitecore
  • Umbraco
  • WordPress

Additional platform connectors can be developed on request.

Complex content type remodelling

Customizable transformations tailor the content migration to your needs, such as:

  • Mapping properties and content types.
  • Converting shared blocks to inline blocks.
  • Handling multi-lingual content.
  • Removing obsolete properties.
  • Complex transformation based on multiple properties can be developed.

Key features

  • Migrate entire sites or specific sections, aggregate content from multiple CMS platforms with ease.
  • Supported content types include, among others: pages, media libraries, forms, and taxonomies.
  • Generates reports of old and new URLs that can be used for redirects to not loose SEO value.
  • Generates a list of TODOs for editors when automatic mapping isn’t feasible.
  • Layout systems can be converted as part of the migration process.
  • Migrate images and media assets from CMS to CMP DAM

About the publisher

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