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Gorgias Collect

Enrich your customer interactions in Gorgias with Optimizely Data Platform providing your customer support team with relevant customer data.

Gorgias Collect

This integration captures historical and ongoing tickets and satisfaction surveys from Gorgias and summarizes them into a simple set of customer attributes:

  • Gorgias Collect Total Tickets: Count of tickets in any state
  • Gorgias Collect Open Tickets: Count of tickets that are still open
  • Gorgias Collect Latest Survey Score: Score (1-5) of the most recent satisfaction survey response
  • Gorgias Collect Latest Ticket Created At: When the most recent ticket was opened (regardless of its current state)
  • Gorgias Collect Latest Survey Scored At: When the most recent satisfaction survey response was submitted

These attributes can then be used for easy segmentation, filtering, and personalization.

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