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Combine Optimizely and Vercel to manage your content lifecycle in one place and rapidly deliver exceptional digital experiences.

Vercel’s Frontend Cloud provides the developer experience and infrastructure to build, scale, and secure a faster, more personalized web.

By providing the platform frontend teams love, Vercel unlocks developer potential and allows you to go from idea to global application in seconds. Combine Optimizely and Vercel to manage your content lifecycle in one place and rapidly deliver exceptional digital experiences.


Integration with Optimizely

Manage Optimizely feature flags and conduct experiments using Vercel Functions.

Vercel Function lets you deliver content to your site's visitors with speed and personalization. They are deployed globally by default on Vercel's Edge Network and enable you to move server-side logic to the Edge, close to your visitor's origin.

You can use Optimizely Feature Experimentation flags at the edge with NextJSapplications deployed on Vercel. This example uses the Optimizely Feature Experimentation Javascript (Node) SDK inside Vercel Functions for you to start experimenting with your experiences at the Edge. For a general guide to getting started with Optimizely Feature Experimentation, see the Javascript (Node) SDK Quickstart.


Vercel Dashboard

To learn more, please visit Vercel x Optimizely

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