Posted April 26, 2021

5 Reasons a move to Optimizely’s DXP can save you money

It’s not often you see that 1 +1 = 3. Seems too good to be true? With Optimizely’s Digital Experience Platform, we truly offer ways for your company to actually save money by investing in our hosting solution. Many organizations stack together parts and pieces to handle the job of serving up your digital platform, but Optimizely really has cracked the code on how to make this seamless and most importantly cost effective for you.

a woman sitting at a table

How do we do this? We want to share five reasons that our platform trims and streamlines those costs that make your machine tick. From moving your investment from OpEx to CapEx, to the many services that we include all-in-one, today we share how the DXP hits right to the core where it counts – your bottom line.

Reason #1: A cost model that represents your business

Your business does not grow at the rate of hosting costs or the number of servers it takes to power your website. It grows as your audience grows, or your transactions grow. So, you should have a service that reflects that arc properly.

Optimizely’s Digital Experience Platform is priced based on consumption. For our Content-only customers, we price based on total annual page views, or even API calls depending on how you architect your site. For those investing in ecommerce – we price based on annual transactions. This creates a predictable repeatable model to monitor your costs without balloon payments when you jump up tiers for your hosting or large costs to buy new server licenses.

Most importantly for many organizations, consumption-based pricing represents a move to Operational Expenses (OpEx) vs Capital Expenses (CapEx) that have to be depreciated on your bottom line. This can be music to the ears of your CFO!

Reason #2:
All-in-one costs!

Our DXP licensing cost does not just cover access to your application – it is a gift basket of services and tools that cover your business. Our price includes:

  • Hosting Costs
  • Application Monitoring
  • CDN
  • Access to Search & Navigation
  • Key features to your application like Auto-scaling & Automatic Failover
  • Managed Services
  • Transactional Email Services
  • … and more

Once we deliver the DXP to your organization, you should have your complete kit of tools and features needed to get your organization live. Isn’t it nice to think how easy this can be?

Reason #3:
Auto-scaling = predictable costs

Your business and your traffic do not move in a straight line. Customers are seasonable – they come and go around big events during the year, they take holidays, then they rush back when you make that big announcement. This can mean big costs for many customers who have to scale up in anticipation of these big events. This can mean parking extra servers or extra hosting space for those 1-2 months when needed, then letting it collect dust afterwards. Instead, what if the DXP did this for you?

As we price based on annual consumption, we take your annual page views vs charging you per month. This means you can factor in that anticipated bump or jump in the road, and calculate your costs efficiently. And when that spike hits? We will do the scaling for you – our managed services and incident management team will keep an eye on your site to put more horsepower in when it matters most. And it won’t cost you an arm and a leg when we do.

Reason #4:
Reasonable costs even when you do go over

Predicting the future is hard! What happens when business is booming and traffic goes over your estimated usage? We have you covered too – every contract for the DXP will help provide a rate for pre-paid overages at your current spend level. Our team will work with you as the year moves on to let you know when you are getting close to your goal, and then you can put more coins in the meter if necessary.

We charge at the same rate as your base package, so no fear of big rate spikes if you do go over. We don’t want to punish your business if things are going well!

Reason #5:
We help eliminate the costs that you don’t even think are there!

Sure, it’s easy to see the costs savings once you don’t have to factor in clear things like hosting costs and CDN rates. But what about those hidden costs you aren’t even factoring in yet?

  • The typical self-hosted customer has to invest in keeping infrastructure up-to-date every 2-3 years. This could mean downtime, labor and investment in new technology to keep servers current, or replacing outdated systems. Optimizely’s DXP does this for you without any annual service costs. And don’t forget performance testing or security compliance! We have you covered there too!
  • While we wish they might, these systems don’t run themselves. Infrastructure requires people power, and that people power comes with costs. From self-services features in our DXP Portal, to a team of managed services engineers handling your application for you, our service can allow you to let your people focus on more important aspects of the business. This is a real “less is more” situation!
  • Multiple applications mean multiple support teams. Multiple support teams can mean a series of hula hoops to jump through if your site is experiencing issues. More effective incident management by using a single source of support can mean reduced costs getting to the root of the issues. What is the cost of peace of mind?

So often, Optimizely is busy sharing the great features of our CMS Authoring experience, that we forget simple features like cost savings and efficient management of your platform can mean just as much to you, our customers. Your bottom line should not get in the way of your digital innovation and growth, and with the DXP we think we have the perfect model that leans into your business growth path and makes it simple and efficient. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager and let us show you how it can help be the foundation for you into the future.