Posted June 20, 2023

New Optimizely brand campaign challenges marketers to 'Move fast and make things'


Speed and precision are the keys to creating a successful digital experience. We must also find ways to tap into our creativity and produce delightful content—faster than ever before.

We recognize the need to create, to innovate, to seize the moment for something more, but the reality is that most of us get stuck grinding the gears. And in a global economy where marketing budgets are scrutinized more than ever before, finding new ways to deliver a superior customer experience and drive revenue can often feel unattainable.

To really open up the throttle and hit high speed, we need a drastic overhaul of our approach. We need a new way forward—one that ushers in a new mantra…

Today, we’re thrilled to bring that mantra to life with the launch of Optimizely’s debut brand campaign, Move fast and make things.

Designed to inspire marketers and beyond to harness the power of data-driven decision making and unlock creative potential across the business, this bold message is paired with bold execution. In combination with a strategic digital campaign, we’ve made an exciting investment in our first out-of-home (OOH) media strategy, with ad placements throughout New York City and San Francisco to truly bring this initiative to life.

Campaign concept  

While the adage, “move fast and break things” served as a rally cry for early innovators, Optimizely recognizes our customers’ need to build and create while also maintaining agility in today's competitive environment. The concept of Move fast and make things reflects our commitment to helping businesses rapidly create, iterate, experiment, and deliver exceptional digital experiences for their customers.


a person looking at a sign

The execution 

This campaign was designed to win the hearts and minds of senior marketers, and we recognized the need to develop a thoughtful campaign concept that resonated with this discerning audience. Using insights from our A/B testing software, further messaging analysis and qualitative customer research, we honed in on a core campaign concept focused on the message, “it doesn’t have to be this hard.” The concept highlights several relatable moments in the daily life of our marketers (and beyond), to forge an immediate connection of empathy. The approach leverages visual humor and clever copy to convey the core message in a memorable way, and the use of bright, vibrant colors is purposeful. The tagline alone is powerful—our color choices reflect that boldness while contrasting against the background of what would normally be a dull, gray subway station. The use of photography is designed to illicit emotion, while the simple 1-2 punch format keeps things visually digestible without sacrificing impact.


a person standing next to a machine

Campaign execution 

We partnered with Adquick, the leading out-of-home vendor, to bring this campaign to life. The Move fast and make things campaign debuts today in key locations, including an entire takeover of NYC’s Wall Street subway station and a tactical billboard placement along the San Francisco 101 highway, paying homage to Optimizely’s founding roots within Silicon Valley. To amplify this audacious messaging even further, we’ve also launched both digital and static taxi toppers throughout the city with additional creative activations to follow suit.


a sign on a brick wall

Optimizely as a brand

Over recent years, Optimizely has experienced an incredible trajectory marked by eight (yes, eight!) strategic acquisitions that have expanded our solution capabilities to solidify our position in the market. These acquisitions have allowed us to broaden our expertise and integrate cutting-edge technologies into our platform. In light of this exciting phase of growth, the importance of our new tagline cannot be overstated. Move fast and make things not only captures our commitment to speed, innovation, and creativity, it also embodies the collective spirit that unites Optimizely as an organization. It’s our ethos down to the very core.


Move fast and make things signifies a new chapter for us as we remain dedicated to providing the tools, learnings, and collaborative community that enable businesses to harness the power of data, tap into creativity, and discover new ways of doing things.

We take immense pride in the successful execution of this campaign, and are excited to share upcoming content to pull back the curtain on the entire operation. Stay tuned for more!


It really doesn’t have to be hard. It’s time to move fast and make things.