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Get a head start on your integration with Acumatica through a combination of the APIs and direct database calls to import data into Configured Commerce and retrieve pricing, inventory and A/R data.

Connect Acumatica to Configured Commerce to quickly get to market and deliver one seamless, fully-integrated customer experience.

With real-time connections to the APIs and jobs to refresh customer, product, warehouse, order history and invoice data, this connector provides everything you need to start integrating. Need to make ERP customizations? No problem.

The flexibility of the Configured Commerce integration layer allows for modifications to the jobs, so you get your data in the right place.

Acumatica is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution. It offers a wide range of business management applications, including financials, distribution, project accounting, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Acumatica is designed for small and mid-sized businesses, offering features like real-time data access, mobile accessibility, and a flexible licensing model that allows businesses to scale their use of the software as they grow.

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Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Notice. You can opt out at any time.