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Tealium for Data Platform

Use Tealium Analytics AudienceStream to easily segment and act on customer data within and beyond their owned channels.

Import your Tealium AudienceStream audiences to Optimizely Data Platform as real-time segments. Then integrate with Optimizely Web Experimentation, Optimizely Feature Experimentation, or Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) Visitor Groups for advanced audience targeting.

  • This integration leverages Tealium’s Webhook Connector to sync your Tealium audiences to Data Platform, where Data Platform converts the audiences to real-time segments.
  • You can select your preferred customer identifier in Tealium to pass to Data Platform.
  • Audience changes reflect in real time.
  1. Enable the connector in Data Platform App Directory
  2. Tealium sends audience data
  3. Optimizely Connect Platform app collects and processes audience data
  4. Sends to RTS (Real-Time Segments)
  5. RTS sync to Web Experimentation (or Visitor groups)


You need to set up two activations in Tealium: one that adds new members to your Data Platform real-time segment when they join your Tealium audience, and another that removes users from your Data Platform real-time segment who have left your Tealium audience.

  • Create activation to add users
  • Create activation to remove users
  • Connect additional Tealium audiences