Posted oktober 10

Why consistent messaging is SO important for your brand

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When the market is crammed full with brands that do similar – if not the same – things that your brand does, you’ve got to know how to break through the noise. 

But before you start with screamingly loud creative campaigns or out-there out-of-home marketing you have to make sure your brand foundations are in place. Consistent messaging across all your marketing is an essential part of building those foundations. Without it, it's kinda just a mess.

When your target audience is spoilt for choice, consistent brand messaging is what strengthens your brand and gets you seen. 

Why consistent messaging is important to your marketing success

There are three perspectives when considering the importance of consistent messaging: 

1) Benefits of consistent messaging for your business

  • Develops brand recognition and recall
  • Builds trust and credibility
  • Increases brand equity and valuation
  • Makes decision-making easier across the org

2) Benefits of consistent messaging for your marketing team

  • Streamlines campaign and content creation
  • Ensures cohesive messaging across all channels
  • Simplifies onboarding for new team members
  • Enables more efficient resource allocation 

3) Benefits of consistent messaging for your customers

  • Provides a clear understanding of what your brand stands for
  • Creates (good) predictability and comfort in user interactions
  • Builds emotional connections through that familiarity
  • Makes purchase decisions simple and uncomplicated

The psychology behind consistent messaging 

Here's a fun fact for you: It takes 5-7 brand impressions for someone to remember your brand... but these impressions have got to be consistent to trigger that memory.

Interestingly, color consistency alone can increase brand recognition by up to 80%, but tone of voice, brand values and benefits should stay clear across all platforms and channels. Zero mixed messaging, otherwise you'll quickly weaken your brand messaging.

🧠 Some other interesting statistics about what consistent brand messaging does to our brains? You got it:  

  • 81% of consumers need to trust a brand to consider buying from it (Source)
  • 50% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands they recognize (Source)
  • 46% of consumers in 2023 were ready to pay more for a brand they trust (Source)

It's fair to say that consistent messaging not only has a very positive psychological impact on both your customers and your marketing team, but also provides you with a serious competitive advantage too. In fact, companies with strong, consistent branding outperform weak brands by up to 20% in the stock market.

10 brand consistency examples we all know (and why we love them) 

1) Nike:

  • What they say: "Just Do It" 
  • What they represent: Empowerment, athleticism, determination 
  • Consistency: Inspirational messaging, focus on overcoming challenges 

2) Starbucks: 

  • What they say: "To inspire and nurture the human spirit" 
  • What they represent: Premium coffee experience, third place between work and home 
  • Consistency: Upscale ambiance, personalized service, quality beverages 

3) McDonald's 

  • What they say: "I'm Lovin' It" 
  • What they represent: Fast, convenient, family-friendly dining 
  • Consistency: Golden arches, playful marketing, consistent menu globally 

4) Google 

  • Message: "Organize the world's information" 
  • Represents: Innovation, simplicity, accessibility 
  • Consistency: Clean interface, colorful logo, user-centric design 

5) Amazon 

  • What they say: "Earth's most customer-centric company" 
  • What they represent: Convenience, vast selection, fast delivery 
  • Consistency: One-click shopping, Prime benefits, customer reviews 

6) Apple 

  • What they say: "Think Different" 
  • What they represent: Innovation, premium quality, user-friendly design 
  • Consistency: Minimalist aesthetics, ecosystem integration, premium pricing 

7) Patagonia 

  • What they say: "Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm" 
  • What they represent: Environmental responsibility, outdoor adventure, quality 
  • Consistency: Sustainability focus, lifetime warranty, activism 

8) Coca-Cola 

  • What they say: "Open Happiness" 
  • What they represent: Joy, sharing, refreshment 
  • Consistency: Red branding, happiness-focused campaigns, global presence 

9) IKEA 

  • What they say: "Creating a better everyday life" 
  • What they represent: Affordable design, functionality, Swedish heritage 
  • Consistency: Blue and yellow colors, flat-pack furniture, in-store experience 

10) Dove 

  • What they say: "Real Beauty" 
  • What they represent: Self-esteem, authenticity, inclusivity 
  • Consistency: Body positivity campaigns, diverse representation, gentle products 

Keep things consistent with an integrated marketing team 

The messaging that thrives in your marketing is all down to the marketing team behind the scenes. If your marketing team are out of whack with what's going on with your brand, your products or your target audience, all hell breaks lose. 

And by hell, we mean: inconsistent messaging and messy marketing. 🤢

There's an easy way to avoid those two marketing team nightmares, and that's an integrated marketing strategy and ultimately, a bigger, badder and more integrated marketing team. 

It's time to break down the silos, work better together, get rid of the B2boooooring, and build an indestructible team that brings results like you've never seen before. 

Sounds good, right? And it doesn't require any extra budget, extra hires or extra hours either - an integrated marketing strategy is all about getting the most out of what you've already got. 

Get ready for more efficiency, more productivity and more creativity with our guide to integrated marketing.