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Personalization 101
What is personalization?
Personalization is the practice of showing content, products or other digital touchpoints to a specific set of users or a single user with the goal of increasing relevance. The rules that determine what experience a user gets are often collected beforehand and then used to show the user more relevant content as they continue to engage with your brand.
What is app personalization?
App personalization is the process of building a mobile app to meet the needs of specific audiences. Similar to other forms of personalization, app personalization aims to present user experiences that are customized to their specific needs rather than a broad, one size fit alls experience for all users.
What is website personalization?
Website personalization is the process of creating customized experiences for visitors to a website. Rather than providing a single, broad experience, website personalization allows companies to present visitors with unique experiences tailored to their needs and desires.
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Vi mener at det beste er å være personlig.
Uansett hvor stor og kompleks markedsstrategien deres er, så bryr kunder seg ofte mer om egne preferanser. Hver gang noen interagerer med din merkevare, blir de eksponert for deres historie og visjon. Vi i Optimizely mener at den beste digitale strategien er å være personlige med kunder. Du snakker ikke til anonyme brukere, men til hver enkelt kunde. Med personalisering fra Optimizely kan du spore atferden og bruke data til å identifisere målgruppene dine. Med innsikt i data kan du utforme godt innhold og levere det til rett person, til rett tid, på rett sted.