Digital markedsføring slik det burde være

Fleksibiliteten til å kombinere de produktene teamet ditt trenger. Enkelheten i en brukervennlig og fullt integrert produktpakke - det er Optimizely One!

En ny måte å jobbe med markedsføring på - med transparens, effektivitet og innsikt - slik at du kan nå dine mål for innhold, eksperimentering og salg.

Resultatet: digitale opplevelser som kundene vil elske!

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Moco Food Services
Moco Food Services

Optimizely One

Gjør markedsføringsteamet ditt...


En enkelt, sammenhengende arbeidsflyt gir alle den åpenheten de trenger for å være effektive og skape resultater, sammen.


En vitenskapelig tilnærming betyr at opplevelsene du skaper (og beslutningene du tar) er validert av eksperimenter og data.

Mer effektiv

Sammenhengende arbeidsflyter, støttet av KI (AI) og maskinlæring, gjør hele markedsføringsprosessen mer effektiv.

Systemet er til for deg, ikke omvendt

Samle hele livssyklusen for markedsføring i én enkelt, enhetlig arbeidsflyt - og få fart på den med sømløst integrert AI i hvert eneste steg av prosessen.

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How it works


Field requests, capture ideas, and collectively manage work

  • Standardized intake templates streamline the process of submitting requests 
  • Intelligent routing rules automatically assign each request using pre-defined logic 
  • Shared request queues centralize each request in a single dashboard so teams can collectively triage and manage requests


Align your entire team around ​a shared strategy

  • Visual calendars ensure everyone knows what’s running (and when) across regions, teams and lines of business
  • Strategic briefs enable every team member to collaboratively align on the key objectives, messaging, and ownership
  • Campaign workspaces provide organization and hierarchy, helping teams track progress and accelerate execution


Ideate and collaborate ​on content, together

  • Flexible workflows allow teams to collaborate with peers, ensure proper review and approval processes are followed, and make changes on the fly
  • Multi-format editors provide tools to create, review and approve all the content that campaigns and experiments depend on — from videos and landing pages to infographics, social ads and more
  • AI content generator jumpstarts content ideation and original content creation (both images and text) with just the click of a button


Manage and maintain assets for reuse

  • AI-based tagging applies machine-learning algorithms to automatically apply tags, improving organization and making it easy to (re)discover assets
  • Fully-integrated workflows makes it easy to repurpose content and instantly kick off new campaigns, tasks and experiments
  • Brand portals allow you to curate a collection of assets to share and distribute (internally or externally) through a public link


Translate and localize for different regions

  • Language management capabilities allow you to translate content into 350+ supported languages
  • Content history automatically captures the progression of every piece of content, so you can always reference point-in-time snapshots
  • Asset lineage helps global teams to track where, when and how assets were repurposed for campaigns or activity in other markets
  • Sell globally with multi-region, language and sites, with access to 200+ payment gateways


Assemble experiences ​and prepare to launch

  • Drag-and-drop authoring makes it easy to structure your content and/or experiments exactly how you want it
  • In-context editing provides a user-friendly way to make edits directly on a page and see updates in real-time
  • Form and survey creation lets you create conversion-ready forms with ease — no code required


Publish and distribute to any channel

  • Omnichannel delivery enables marketers to create content once and publish anywhere – driving conversions and revenue
  • Plug-and-play integrations make publishing to downstream channels a breeze
  • Optimizely Graph searches and queries content for distribution to any channel


Tailor experiences for various segments

  • Rule-based targeting makes it easy to define hyper-specific audience cohorts, launch personalization campaigns, and deliver tailored experiences
  • Real-time segments help you stay one step ahead of the market with instant adjustments, based on customer attributes and events, to optimize engagement
  • Predictive recommendations across content, products, email, and more ensure you’re delivering the most relevant end-user experience


Test across any channel and target with precision

  • Audience builder simplifies experiment creation and variation design with a no-code UI, eliminating technical dependencies and increasing velocity
  • Multi-arm bandits and stats accelerator dynamically assign more traffic to winning variations, so you can reach ‘stat sig’ quicker and make impactful decisions earlier
  • Omnichannel experimentation means you can roll out tests across all channels and applications


Track performance and optimize for what works

  • Customer profiles unify all your first-party customer data while offering insights (across both assets and behaviors)
  • Content intelligence uses Natural Language Processing capabilities to suggest topics that are most engaging for your visitors and help you stay ahead of the curve
  • Unified reporting dashboards offer a single hub to visualize your analytics across customer data, operational reporting, analytics and more

Integrate with your favorite tools 

Optimizely makes it easy for you to stay connected, allowing you to get the most out of every tool in your stack, and ensure everything moves smoothly. 

All integrations

Ready to get started?

Optimizely is trusted by over 9,000 leading companies for digital experiences, content management, experimentation and commerce.

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