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Use Pipedrive to update, retrieve, and automate lead information from Optimizely Campaign

Pipedrive is a sales pipeline CRM designed to help small businesses manage leads, track sales activities and close more deals. How does Pipedrive work? In a nutshell, Pipedrive enables sales teams in small businesses to: Streamline processes and consolidate sales data in one unified CRM sales tool.

  • Retrieve recipient lists from Campaign and add them to Pipedrive.
  • Updated lead information from Pipedrive will automatically update the recipient list in Campaign.
  • When a transactional email is sent in Campaign, an activity is automatically created in Pipedrive CRM.

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Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Notice. You can opt out at any time.

Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Notice. You can opt out at any time.