Why customers choose Optimizely over VWO

VWO lacks the depth and flexibility that experimentation teams need to succeed. See how Optimizely outclasses VWO at every level of digital maturity and every stage of your experimentation lifecycle.

Compare for yourself

Error-proof Stats Engine with superior results
Easy to use sequential testing and false discovery rate correction with real-time results that can be monitored safely as an experiment is running
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Stats Accelerator for faster results
Have the option to speed up getting to learnings, by allowing the system to send more traffic to one variant when more data is needed
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Auto-allocate traffic for any campaign including MVT or Personalization
Use multi-armed bandit optimization on your campaign of choice, with clear guidance and best practices to maximize lift and serve more people the outperforming variant
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Mutually exclusive experiments
Prevent unwanted cross-contamination from running multiple experiments at once on the same pages
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Robust, bug-free visual editor
Quickly edit any element on your website and preview live, without breaking responsiveness or requiring developer intervention
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Test using offline events
Include even more valuable data in your experiments like offline sales and events from other applications, allowing you to optimize anything
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Share data with Snowflake and other powerful integrations
Send your data anywhere with easy raw data exporting and integations to apps like Snowflake
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Ideate, collaborate, build and dashboard tests
Work together and gather ideas from anywhere in your organization. Then, score impact and view results in one place
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Run unlimited concurrent experiments on feature flags or any campaign
Unlock a culture of hypothesis thinking that spreads throughout your organization
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Easy to develop on and extend
Roll out features in-code using SDKs available in 10+ programming languages for those more technically inclined
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Advanced personalization tools
Designed to build the richest, most relevant experiences and use machine learning to power audience creation
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Global ROI focused support
On-demand services, and strategic consulting team to increase your experiment velocity and win rate
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Advanced Feature Management
Roll out (or back) new features to users in-code with controls anyone on your team can use
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VWO customers cite error-prone statistics

  • VWO leverages a stats model which comes with advantages and disadvantages. However, without a data science team to validate your results, you risk making the wrong decision. Publicly-available comments by VWO customers complain that VWO's SmartStats Engine calls tests prematurely, leading to incorrect decisions.
  • Optimizely Stats Engine, developed in conjunction with Stanford University, controls for false positives and delivers fast and accurate results

VWO requires heavy developer intervention

  • A frequent complaint across public reviews target VWO’s visual editor. Customer reviews cite frequent bugs and errors resulting in heavy developer intervention for basic changes.
  • Yes, every platform has a visual editor, but not all are created equally. Marketers and non-technical users alike find Optimizely extremely robust, accurate and easy to use.
  • Whether you are adding a new page element, rearranging elements or adding pages for a multi-page experience only Optimizely is built with the depth and flexibility to meet your needs.

VWO insights and analytics lack depth

  • There are many reports attributed to VWO customers complaining of their struggle to create event-based goals and run into issues tracking conversions. Customers want better visibility into down-funnel conversions and need to track success on every interaction, not just the first. Those customers and others report VWO lacks this depth, and comment that they have to use their own analytics to determine a test winner.
  • Optimizely supports primary and secondary metrics for experiments to determine success. And you can combine data from third party sources with your Optimizely event data for more accurate targeting and measurement of down-funnel metrics.