Policy för företagens sociala ansvar (CSR)

Som ledare inom digital marknadsföring och upplevelse har innovation, upplevelse och förmågan att driva verklig förändring varit vårt kännetecken, och det gäller även vårt CSR-arbete. Vi söker ständigt efter bättre, säkrare, mer kostnadseffektiva och hållbara arbetsmetoder, samtidigt som vi följer bästa praxis.


Denna policy gäller för Optimizely, men hänvisar också till förväntningar på våra leverantörer, partners, kunder och ekosystem. Vi har åtagit oss att följa de tio principerna i FN:s Global Compact, som lätt kan användas för att främja vår identitet som ett socialt medvetet och ansvarsfullt företag. Cheferna måste kommunicera denna policy på alla nivåer. Cheferna är också ansvariga för att lösa eventuella CSR-frågor.

Kontinuerlig förbättring av vår CSR-strategi genom att:

  • Uppmuntra våra partners och leverantörer att implementera CSR;
  • Kontinuerligt förbättra våra prestationer och uppfylla all tillämplig lagstiftning;
  • Informera vår personal om att de ska vara medvetna om hur deras handlingar påverkar icke-förnybara resurser.
  • Införa rutiner för att hjälpa till med implementeringen av CSR.

Element och fokuspunkter

Denna policy är en central del av vår verksamhet som ett ansvarsfullt företag som uppfyller de högsta kraven på etik och professionalism. Vi förväntar oss också att våra leverantörer, partners och, i förekommande fall, kunder följer samma principer. Vårt fokus och ansvar gäller regelefterlevnad (juridiska skyldigheter och viljan att följa samhällets värderingar) och proaktivitet (främja mänskliga rättigheter, hjälpa samhällen och skydda vår naturliga miljö) inom dessa tre huvudteman:


Our employees are our most valuable resource and are a key factor in the delivery of services to our clients.


We fully recognize that our day-to-day operations cause inevitable impact on the environment in a number of ways.

Health, Safety & Wellbeing

We have an overall responsibility for ensuring that we maintain high standards of health, safety and wellbeing.


Optimizely will always conduct business with integrity and respect for human rights. This includes promoting safety, fair dealing, respect towards each customer, partner and each other, as well as adherence to our comprehensive policies on anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and modern slavery and labor laws.


Optimizely fully embraces the challenge of preserving the natural environment and lessen the environmental footprint. We fully recognize that our day-to-day operations cause inevitable impact on the environment in a number of ways.

The first issue we tackle is to help our customers and users to minimize the environmental footprint they have by being digital-first in their marketing and business practices, using smart capabilities to drive maximum results with minimal resources. Examples include:

  • reducing energy-use and e-waste through cloud technologies,
  • reducing resource needs and associated environmental footprint through use of automation, business intelligence, and action-oriented analysis.
  • enabling seamless digital collaboration on joint marketing activities, thus reducing the need of travel and co-location of resources.

Secondly, we fully recognize that our day-to-day operations cause inevitable impact on the environment in a number of ways. We are committed to reduce this level of impact through assessing and improving our environmental performance using a documented, maintained, monitored and reviewed sustainability policies that is communicated to all employees.

As a company, we try to be a role model by keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. Examples include:

  • Working in an entirely digital process flow and not printing unless legally required or no other option available.
  • Championing a distributed working model, policies to reduce unnecessary travel to minimise pollution by travelling and commuting, and if needed, choosing public transport as much as possible.
  • Choosing reusable and renewable materials over disposable as much as possible, from coffee cups to smartphones and laptops.
  • Implementing an employee IT sustainability program, which includes an employee pledge to reduce e-waste and energy use.

Finally, by following industry best practices (such as ISO 14001), as a guide, we employ systems and procedures that ensure the company's compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and other requirements relating to the environment.

Sustainability considerations are fully integrated in our business decision making. We carry out environmental supply chain management to encourage suppliers to adopt environmentally sound practices


Our employees are our most valuable resource and are a key factor in the delivery of services to our clients. We recognize that it is the caliber of the people that make up our teams that differentiates us from our competitors. As such, we work hard to recruit, develop and retain the best talent in the industry. We encourage all employees to grow and develop, especially building career plans and framing out development objectives and key results (OKR). Further to this, it is crucial that all employees maintain a high level of technical expertise, therefore regular training and advice is made available.

To ensure that we enhance our employees’ environmental awareness we provide continual training to enable consideration and understanding of environmental issues when planning, undertaking and implementing all initiatives.

We provide our managers with Equal Opportunities advice and support to ensure they have understanding of their obligations allowing them to manage their team fairly and equally in all areas of employment. Ensuring all employees are aware of the company's legal obligations, policies and internal procedures relating to the provision of Equal Opportunities.

Quarterly feedback conversations and written feedback are encouraged with all employees, allowing quality one-to-one time with their manager to discuss their performance, establish new objectives and determine the employee's individual training and development needs that are required to assist in achieving their goals. We periodically conduct pulse checks to measure employee sentiment and create action plans to improve engagement.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Our employees (Optimizers) are the bedrock of our business. We update them with health, safety and wellbeing information on a regular basis, issuing announcements every quarter to keep them engaged and aware of the resources available to them. With 1,600 employees working across 17 countries, we ensure that we not only comply with local health and safety laws but offer each Optimizer the opportunity to access an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), at no cost to employees, which provide a wide range of resources including life consultative services, work/life assistance, legal/financial assistance, and resources for managers.

Further, we provide employees access to fitness/nutrition and other well-being programs, as well as many funded Employee Resource Groups (ERG), which enables Optimizers safe spaces to discuss social topics and promote activities and improvement programs to the rest of Optimizely, be it racial and gender equality, environmental awareness, or challenges younger generations and parents face.

Finally, Optimizely may initiate and promote community investment and educational programs. For example, we donate IT equipment to those in need (e.g. Guinean universities, United Kingdom primary schools). We also provide matching contributions to our employee’s own donations on a variety of social causes. We support, through funding and resources, community improvement efforts, such as assistance at food kitchens and donation distribution centers.

In 2022, we are launching Month of Service to provide coordinated volunteer events for the organization. This is an excellent opportunity to provide service to our global community.

Accountability and Policies

Optimizely’s CSR policy ensures that social and environmental concerns are considered in our all of our business operations. It is the responsibility of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to drive and monitor the implementation of the CSR, Code of Conduct and other policies, the company’s overall environmental, social, health, safety and wellbeing performance and also to provide strategic guidance to all of the operational divisions and support functions, reporting to the Board accordingly.

This Policy Statement and the Responsibilities and Arrangements that support it will be reviewed at least annually, or more frequently where there have been significant changes to the company or the nature of the company’s activities.