Content management systems: An RFP template

Ask the right questions to find the right solution

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What’s the secret to creating exceptional digital experiences? A fit-for-purpose Content Management System (CMS). Your CMS serves as the backbone of your digital presence, enabling your team to create, manage, and optimize content across your website and other digital platforms. 

Before committing to a CMS, it's crucial to evaluate which functionalities are most critical for your organization. Consider asking questions like: 

  • Does the CMS offer integrated Digital Asset Management (DAM) capabilities?
  • How does the platform support content creation and editing, especially for non-technical users?
  • Can the system facilitate advanced workflows for content approval and publishing? 

Asking the right questions will help you identify a CMS that aligns with your business needs and goals. To streamline this process, we’ve compiled an extensive list of questions to ask CMS vendors in our comprehensive request for proposal (RFP) template. 

This CMS RFP asks what matters
Download this complimentary template to see how each CMS provider measures up and what questions can help you select the best one for your needs.