RAKBANK transform their digital presence with Optimizely One, supercharging efficiency, boosting website engagement by 37% and increasing leads by 12%.

RAKBANK's Group Chief Customer Officer DJ Choi details how one of the leading banks in the United Arab Emirates revamped its website, internal digital and content marketing operations and content supply chain with Optimizely One

De största utmaningarna före Optimizely

Team som arbetar åtskilda

Utan en enda plats för att hantera och genomföra projekt och kampanjer stod RAKBANK inför ineffektivitet i verksamheten och en brist på insyn i vad varje team arbetade med.

Föråldrad teknik

RAKBANK förlitade sig på ett äldre CMS som de hade använt i över 10 år, vilket krävde hjälp av utvecklare och gjorde det svårt för marknadsavdelningen att uppdatera innehållet. De saknade också funktionalitet för att köra upplevelser och personalisera sin webbplats.

Frånkopplad teknisk stack

RAKBANK saknade ett integrerat verktyg för att lagra sina marknadsföringstillgångar för enkel återanvändning och kunde inte sömlöst skapa och leverera innehåll på ett huvudlöst sätt på grund av begränsningarna i deras äldre CMS.

Använda det bästa av Optimizely One för att skapa verkligt värde

Plattform för innehållshantering (CMP)

För att hantera sina kampanjer, uppgifter, arbetsflöden och innehåll mer effektivt implementerade RAKBANK Optimizelys CMP, vilket förbättrade marknadsorganisationens samarbete, synlighet och produktivitet.

Ökad effektivitet: Som en markör för den verkliga förändringen i hur deras marknadsföringsteam arbetar kunde de minska manuella uppgifter med 9 timmar per vecka tack vare de strömlinjeformade och användarvänliga funktionerna i Optimizely CMP.

Hantering av digitala tillgångar (DAM)

RAKBANK använder Optimizelys integrerade DAM för att organisera och hantera sina varumärkesgodkända marknadsföringsinnehåll, som nu enkelt kan upptäckas, återanvändas och återanvändas genom integrationen med Optimizely CMS.

Leverantörskedja för innehåll: Optimizely DAM är helt implementerat i uppströms arbetsflöden (planering och skapande av innehåll) och nedströms arbetsflöden (leverans till alla kanaler) i CMP, samt Optimizely CMS, där innehåll kan hämtas direkt till webbsidor från CMS-gränssnittet.

System för innehållshantering (CMS)

Banken migrerade sin webbplats från HCL till Optimizely CMS, vilket gav snabbare laddningstider, enklare innehållsmigration och mer flexibilitet.

Bättre prestanda på webbplatsen: RAKBANK har sett en minskning av laddningstiderna med 12-18% och en ökning av sidvisningar med 6% på hela sin webbplats.


RAKBANK planerar att använda Optimizely Web Experimentation för att testa och optimera innehåll och kampanjer på webbplatsen och leverera personaliserade kundupplevelser till sin mångsidiga och växande kundbas.

Högre engagemang och konverteringar: Med sin förbättrade digitala upplevelse har RAKBANK sett en 37% ökning av engagemangstiden och en 8-12% ökning av antalet leads.

a person in a blue shirt


RAKBANK, also known as The National Bank of Ras Al Khaimah, is one of the oldest and most dynamic banks in the UAE. Founded in 1976, the bank has grown to become a leading retail and business banking provider, with over 19 branches across the country. RAKBANK offers a wide range of personal and business banking services, including treasury and insurance solutions.

As a customer-centric and innovative bank, RAKBANK is always looking for ways to enhance its digital capabilities and customer experience. However, the bank faced some challenges with its website and digital marketing operations, which were hampering its efficiency, performance, and growth.

Teams were siloed and disconnected within marketing. The bank's marketing team had to rely on multiple tools, documents and drives to collaborate on, store and share assets, resulting in a lack of visibility and efficiency.

Furthermore, they were working on an outdated and slow CMS. The bank's website was built on HCL, a legacy CMS that the bank had been using for 12 years. The website had poor load times, limited functionality, and needed a tedious syndication process for content updates.

To overcome these challenges, RAKBANK decided to look for a new CMS solution that could meet its current and future needs. The bank wanted a headless CMS that could integrate with its other platforms (such as its mobile app) and needed a solution that could also support digital asset management, content creation and campaign management. After evaluating different options, RAKBANK chose Optimizely as its digital partner.

RAKBANK partnered with Optimizely to implement CMP and DAM for its digital and content marketing operations, and to migrate their website from HCL to Optimizely CMS. The bank also leveraged Optimizely's local support and ability to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Streamlining Collaboration and Content Operations

Optimizely CMP is purpose-built for marketers, which enabled RAKBANK to see immediate value by adding structure to their marketing processes without requiring heavy maintenance or training.

Using CMP, RAKBANK can easily plan, create, and execute campaigns and content within a single platform, instead of disparate tools, documents, and spreadsheets. Their marketing team relies on flexible workflows to assign campaigns and their supporting tasks and to check progress. They’re able to collaborate on content and campaigns by having all the relevant campaign information (and content creation) happening in one place. This streamlined approach to content creation and execution in CMP has transformed RAKBANK’s digital and content marketing operations.

Workflows in CMP make your life easy when you must manage work within a big marketing team. Optimizely CMP helps your team upscale their output. It’s a highly positive experience when it comes to Optimizely

Vibhav Gaur

VP of Media & Analytics

Uplevelling RAKBANK’s Digital Presence with Headless Content Delivery

Optimizely's headless CMS allows RAKBANK to create, manage, and deliver exceptional content experiences across multiple channels, such as its website, mobile app, and social media.

Migrating to Optimizely CMS also supplied faster load times (18% decrease in load time), easier content updates and more flexibility to choose the best implementation for each of their sites.

To further improve the visitor experience on their website, RAKBANK also implemented the Search and Navigation add-on to Optimizely CMS. Using natural language processing, the feature understands the topics that visitors are interested in and provides them with relevant content recommendations. After implementation, RAKBANK experienced a 6% increase in page views, a 37% increase in engagement time and an 8-12% increase in leads.

Using Optimizely CMP and CMS together means that RAKBANK can use the publishing integration that connects the two platforms. This enables their marketers to plan, create and publish content to the CMS (via an embedded CMS editor), without ever having to leave the CMP. This streamlined process empowers RAKBANK’s marketing team to make content updates and get content to market faster by removing the dependency on technical teams and lengthy syndication wait times, ultimately reducing 9 hours per week of manual work.

I think it's the Rolls Royce of the CMS and CMP domain, the world’s top-class solution. It helps reduce your go-to market time drastically, which is critical when it comes to the banking and financial sectors. Making changes to our website has been seamless. Highly effective.

Vibhav Gaur

VP of Media & Analytics

Using Integrated Asset Management to Get More Out of Their Content

An essential part of the content process, Optimizely’s integrated digital asset management (DAM) allows RAKBANK’s marketing team to store, organize, and manage their brand-approved assets in a central location. DAM also enables RAKBANK to seamlessly reuse and repurpose their assets for different campaigns and channels, saving them time and resources.

With native capabilities like asset renditions featuring smart focal points and image editing, RAKBANK can take a main file from their creative agency and make minor tweaks right within DAM, significantly reducing the time it takes to finish assets.

With the goal of building a more connected tech stack, RAKBANK uses the integration between Optimizely DAM and Optimizely CMS to create and deliver engaging content for their website and other platforms. Optimizely DAM is fully integrated into the upstream workflows (content planning and creation) and downstream workflows (delivering to any channel) in CMP, as well as Optimizely CMS, where assets can be pulled directly into webpages from the CMS interface. This seamless integration enables RAKBANK to easily access and insert their assets into their webpages and get the most out of their content.

Next Steps

RAKBANK are not stopping their marketing transformation here. The bank has ambitious plans to expand its use of Optimizely products and features to continue improving upon their digital experience, such as:

  • Web Experimentation: RAKBANK plans to use Optimizely Web Experimentation to test and optimize its website content and campaigns and deliver personalized experiences to its diverse and growing customer base. They already have a list of hypotheses and experiments planned, such as changing images, fonts, colors, languages, CTAs, lead forms, and QR codes.
  • Integrations: RAKBANK plans to explore the integrations that Optimizely CMS and CMP offer with other solutions, such as heat mapping tools, Google Analytics, Google Drive, their CRM and other data platforms. These integrations will help the bank to gain more insights and enhance personalization.
  • AI: They plan to take advantage of CMP’s innovative AI capabilities, including text and image generation, to help scale their content production efforts across various channels.


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