1. Usage Metrics
1.1. “API Calls per Year” or (“ACY”) = - amount of API calls to backend generated through Use of the Digital Experience Platform per Contract Year – and for clarity an ‘API call’ is currently defined as a general server response with status code 200 for Content-Types of: application/json, application/json+ld, application/xml, text/xml, application/x-yaml, text/yaml; although Optimizely reserves the right to modify update that list from time to time as new technologies or coding conventions come into Use, and will publish those updates from time to time @ Optimizely World.
1.2. “DXP Environment” or ”Environment”= the necessary infrastructure and components required to serve Websites from one DXP Service Instance.– and for clarity, an Environment includes the Use of one (1) Microsoft Azure® web app, access to one (1) Azure SQL database, one (1) Azure Blob Storage, and one (1) Search & Navigation index, and Environments for Commerce packages include one (1) additional Microsoft Azure web app and access to one (1) additional Azure SQL database.
1.3. “Hosted Region” means the cloud data center region/location where the applicable Software Service will be deployed.
1.4. "Impressions per Year” (or “IPY”) = each instance an experiment or variation is activated by the Experimentation – and for clarity
1.4.1. for the Experimentation [Web version], Impressions are counted each time an experiment or variation is activated by the Experimentation Service on a Page; and A “Page(s)” is section of a webpage that a User chooses to personalize or experiment on, which can be an entire webpage or specific elements of a webpage, as defined by a customer; and multiple experiments running on a single Page, or an experiment running on multiple Pages (e.g., on a header element), will result in multiple Impressions.
1.4.2. for (ii) the Experimentation [Full Stack], Impressions are counted each time an experiment or variation delivers a decision event through the Optimizely Event API and the event indicates the user is part of an experiment.
1.4.3. For both above Software Services, Optimizely de-duplicates decision events over a fixed 5-section window to determine final impression amount; and
1.4.4. for Product Recommendations, Impressions are counted each time a set of recommendations, counted as a single widget or container is returned to a given delivery point through an API call.
1.5. “Instance” is the SaaS tenant containing all Customer data in the defined region or a Service Instance in the case of PaaS.
1.6. “Marketing Automation Email Volume per Year (or “ CEY”) = the number of emails generated by the Marketing AutomationSoftware Service per Contract Year.
1.7. “Marketing Automation SMS Volume per Year” (or “CSY”) = the number of SMS messages generated by the Marketing AutomationSoftware Service per Contract Year.
1.8. "Monthly Active Users” (or "MAUs" ) means:
1.8.1. for Experimentation [Full Stack] - the total number of unique user IDs that appear in all calls to Optimizely’s SDKs/APIs per month,
1.8.2. for Experimentation [Web version] - the total number of unique user IDs evaluated by the snippet per month; even if the user isn't participating into an experiment,
1.8.3. for Optimizely Data Platform and Content Recommendations & Intelligence - the total number of profiles with an active event from any source collected per month.
1.8.4. For clarification, for Use of both the Full Stack and Web versions of Experimentation the total MAUs equals the sum of Monthly Active Users calculated separately for both.
1.9. “Overages” are defined to the applicable Software Service as following -
1.9.1. For API Calls per Year” - number of API requests to back end generated through Use of the Digital Experience Platform per Contract Year over the agreed Usage Volume for ACY as set out in the applicable Order
1.9.2. For Impressions - the number of Impressions generated through Use of each Software Services over the agreed Usage Volume for IPY as set out in the Order.
1.9.3. For Emails - the number of emails generated by the Marketing Automation Software Service over the agreed Usage Volume for CEY set out in applicable Order.
1.9.4. For SMS - the number of SMS generated by the Marketing Automation over the agreed Usage Volume for CSY set out in the applicable Order.
1.9.5. For Monthly Active Users (or MAUs) - the number of MAU’s collected and identified into applicable Software Service per Contract Year over the agreed Usage Volume for MAU set out in the applicable Order.
1.9.6. For Pageviews - the number of page-views generated and/or tracked through Use of each Software Services over the agreed Usage Volumes for PPY as set out in the applicable Order.
1.9.7. For Transactional Orders - the number of Transactional Orders generated and/or tracked through Use of each Software Services, after exceeding the defined over the agreed Usage Volume for TOY as set out in the applicable Order.
1.10. “Pageviews Per Year” (or “PPY”) = the amount of page-views generated and/or tracked through Use of each Software Services per Contract Year -and for clarity (i) a pageview is defined as a view of a page on a Customer Website that is being provided by the Software Service, and (ii) .If a User clicks reload after reaching the page, this is counted as an additional pageview, and (iii) If a User navigates to a different page and then returns to the original page, a second pageview is recorded.
1.11. “Service Instance” (in the context of Content or B2C Commerce Clouds) = an instance of that Software Service, and which includes one code base of that Software Service, a number of Environments, as well as the requisite infrastructure, components, and managed services required to run the that Software Service in a Region – and for clarity: (i) additional languages, index(es) and DXH connectors Subscriptions shall be replicated across all Service Instances for that Software Service; and ( ii) If multiple Service Instances are Subscribed, the Usage Volumes and Overage Fees in all Orders shall be measured in aggregate.
1.12. "Total Contacts" (or TCs”) = total number of records per customer stored across all Customer’s combined Instances at any given time during the Subscription Term.
1.13. “Transactional Email” (or “TE”) = emails Customer sends through the Digital Experience, excluding emails generated and sent from Marketing Automation.
1.14. “Transactional Order” (or “TO”) = a confirmed request by Customer to another party to buy, sell, deliver, or receive goods or services.
1.15. “Transactional Orders per Year” or (“ TOY”) = the number of Transactional Orders generated and/or tracked through Use of each Software Services in the Subscription per Contract Year.
1.16. “Website” (in the context of the Digital Experience) = unique collection of content associated with one or more domain names, using the same start page, also defined under the Optimizely root node. – for clarity, (i) this can be found under the [CMS] tab, then [Admin], then [Config], then [Manage Websites], and (ii) in this view, under [Manage Websites], each Website listed under [Websites] constitutes one (1) Website.
2. Basic items included in all orders unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form
2.1. “Content Cloud” comes with the below items included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form.
Search & Navigation Languages: Up to 10 |
Search & Navigation Indexes: 3 (1 per DXP Environment) |
DXH Connectors: 0 |
DXP Environments: 3 |
Websites: Unlimited |
2.2. “Commerce Cloud B2C” comes with the below items included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form.
Search & Navigation Languages: Up to 10 |
Search & Navigation Indexes: 3 (1 per DXP Environment) |
DXH Connectors: 0 |
DXP Environments: 3 |
Websites: 1 |
2.3. “Commerce Cloud B2B” comes with the below items included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form.
B2B environments: 2 (1 production, 1 sandbox) |
B2B Authorized Users for B2B Cloud Analytics: Up to 5 |
2.4. “PIM” comes with the below items included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form.
Instances: 1 |
2.5. “Experimentation” comes with the below items included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form.
Experiments: Unlimited |
Accounts: 1 |
Authorized Users: Up to 20 |
2.6. “Market Automation” comes with the below Instances included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form.
Instances: 1 |
2.7. “Market Automation by Delivra” comes with the below Connectors included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form.
Marketing Automation by Delivra Connector: 0 |
2.8. “Market Orchestration” comes with the below Instances included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form.
Instances : 1 |
2.9. . “Personalization” comes with the below Instances included unless otherwise called out in an agreed Order Form
Instances: 1 |