Posted July 22, 2020

First-party intent data

Struggling to identify the business needs and purchase intent of your digital audience?

Jonny Rose
Jonny Rose

  • Lack of data coverage 
  • Lack of data granularity
  • Lack of individual definition 

Build data on every part of your digital audience 

Currently you have a huge data gap. Likely, just 5 percent of your audience are CRM-known. 35% can be identified to an account based on reverse IP lookup. But what are you doing about the remaining 60% who may be target buyers? You just don’t know what they are interested in, or how to engage. 

Episerver Content Intelligence gives you first-party intent data on every visitor to your site so you can scale the impact of your marketing. 

Understand prospect intent at a granular level 

Other intent data providers use generalized terms that cover broad topics. Content Recommendations gives you the ability to tailor topic taxonomies to suit your specific business needs, utilizing a database of 25 million known topics, across multiple languages, developed over more than a decade. You get data that is specific, actionable and accurate to your business needs. 

View the intent of every individual buyer 

Third-party intent data providers stop at the account level due to privacy and regulatory limits, but first-party intent data is based on your owned audience interactions at the individual level. Content Intelligence exposes where different buyers within an account have different intent and provides you instant competitive advantage with a dataset that competitors cannot access. 

Episerver’s first-party intent data can stitch directly into your customer datasets… 

Marketo, Adobe, Demandbase, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Dun & Bradstreet, Oracle Marketing Cloud